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Read-Only Case Details Reviewed: Jan 2008



January 2023



Signalment (JPC #1369469):  Feedlot steer


HISTORY:   Several steers in a feedlot herd of about 500 head exhibited sudden profound central nervous system depression terminating in death. Among the lesions observed at necropsy were ulcerative laryngitis, multifocal hemorrhagic areas of necrosis in the brain, and polyserositis.


HISTOPATHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION: Cerebrum: Affecting approximately 30% of this section, predominantly within the white matter and extending into the grey matter, there are multifocal geographical areas of rarefaction and liquefactive necrosis of the neuropil.  Within and adjacent to these areas of necrosis (infarcts) as well as within the overlying leptomeninges are numerous thrombosed vessels that are partially to totally occluded by fibrinocellular thrombi. The walls of these vessels are transmurally infiltrated by moderate numbers of viable and necrotic neutrophils admixed with variable amounts of hemorrhage, polymerized fibrin, and necrotic cellular debris (necrotizing vasculitis). Some of these vessel walls are almost totally replaced by polymerized fibrin (fibrinoid vasculitis). There is abundant hemorrhage surrounding affected vessels (ring hemorrhage) that often extends into the surrounding neuropil. The infarcted foci are infiltrated by moderate numbers of viable and necrotic neutrophils and macrophages that contain abundant intracytoplasmic phagocytized myelin (gitter cells). Within these areas of necrosis, multiple neurons are shrunken, angular, and hypereosinophilic (neuronal necrosis). Perivascular spaces are moderately expanded by clear space (edema). There is infiltration of low to moderate numbers of viable and degenerate neutrophils into the overlying leptomeninges. 


MORPHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS: Cerebrum: Vasculitis, fibrinoid and necrotizing, subacute, multifocal, severe, with fibrin thrombi, and necrohemorrhagic and suppurative meningoencephalitis, breed unspecified bovine.


ETIOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS: Meningocerebral histophilosis


CAUSE: Histophilus somni (formerly Haemophilus somnus, Haemophilus agni, or Histophilus ovis)


CONDITION: Infectious thrombotic meningoencephalitis (ITME); thrombotic meningoencephalitis (TME)


SYNONYMS: H. somni disease complex



















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