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Read-Only Case Details Reviewed: Feb 2009



January 2024



Signalment (JPC # 1947999): Hampshire ewe.


HISTORY: This tissue is from a 4-year-old Hampshire ewe that became ill 36 hours after initial access to a new field. Clinical signs included salivation, mydriasis, tremors, ataxia, and paresis.  


HISTOPATHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION: Kidney: Multifocally and predominantly within the cortex, tubules are ectatic, expanded up to 4 times normal, and lined by epithelium that is either attenuated, degenerative (characterized by pale, vacuolated cytoplasm), necrotic (characterized by fragmented, hypereosinophilic cytoplasm and pyknotic nucleus), or regenerative (characterized by increased mitotic activity and large pale basophilic nuclei with a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and piling up of epithelium). Tubular lumina contain one or more of the following: intraluminal yellow, translucent, variably shaped, angular, prismatic, anisotropic crystals; rare small amounts of eosinophilic amorphous material (protein); rare sloughed epithelial cells (cellular casts); intensely basophilic acellular, fragmented material (mineral). Multifocally, the interstitium and perivascular connective tissue are mildly expanded by increased clear space (edema), eosinophilic beaded to fibrillar material (fibrin) and mild hemorrhage admixed with low numbers of neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells.  


MORPHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS: Kidney, cortical and medullary tubules: Degeneration and necrosis, acute, diffuse, moderate with marked tubular ectasia and numerous intratubular oxalate crystals, breed unspecified, ovine.  


ETIOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS: Oxalate nephrosis  



Halogeton glomeratus (halogeton); Sarcobatus vermiculatus (greasewood); Rheum rhaponticum (rhubarb); Oxalis spp. (sorrel, soursop); Rumex spp. (sorrel, dock); Amaranthus sp. (pigweed) 

Beta spp. (beet, marigold); Brassica spp. (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, rape); Chenopodium album (lamb’s quarters); Portulaca oleracea (purslane); Salsola kali (Russian thistle); Setaria spp(tropical grass)



  1. Degradation and detoxification of oxalate by rumen microorganisms into carbonate and bicarbonate (adaptation occurs over 3-5 days as the microorganisms proliferate)
  2. Oxalate binds to free calcium in the rumen with excretion in feces
  3. Absorption of oxalate into the blood; binds to circulating calcium and forms insoluble calcium oxalate; may lead to: Hypocalcemia, tetany, decreased milk production





  • Pale, edematous, swollen kidneys with yellow streaks in the cortex
  • Ascites and hydrothorax; GI tract hemorrhage; epi- and endocardial hemorrhages; rumen edema











  1. Cianciolo RE, Mohr FC. The urinary system. In: Maxie MG, ed. Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol 2. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2016:425, 456-457.
  2. Higgins D, Rose K, Spratt D. Monotremes and Marsupials. In: Terio KA, McAloose, St. Leger J, eds. Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals. Oxford, UK: Elsevier, 2018: 458.
  3. Nobrega DF, Marutani VHB, Alcala MM, et al. Systemic oxalosis in a free-ranging green turtle (Chelonia mydas). J Comp Pathol. 2023;201:13-15.
  4. Pessier AP. Amphibia. In: Terio KA, McAloose D, St. Leger J, eds. Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals. London, UK: Academic Press; 2018:922. 
  5. Sula MM, Lane LV. The Urinary System. In: Zachary JF, ed. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. 7th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2022:736-737.
  6. Snyder L, Seelig D. Urinary System. In: Raskin RE, Meyer DJ, Boes KM, eds. Canine and Feline Cytopathology: A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2023:399-401. 
  7. Terio KA, McAloose D, Mitchell E. Felidae. In: Terio KA, McAloose, St. Leger J, eds. Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals. Oxford, UK: Elsevier, 2018: 268-269.
  8. Wamsley HL. Examination of the Urine Sediment. In: Valenciano AC, Cowell RL, eds. Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby; 2014:396-398. 


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