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Read-Only Case Details Reviewed: Jan 2010

August 2021


SIGNALMENT (JPC #2329499):  A 3-month-old male Yorkshire crossbred feeder pig


HISTORY:  Eight pigs died acutely in a pen of 50 pigs which were experiencing bloody diarrhea, dehydration and weight loss which was refractory to antibiotic therapy.


HISTOPATHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION:  Colon:  The superficial 1/4 to 1/3 of the mucosa is diffusely characterized by necrosis (lytic and coagulative) admixed with a variable amount of hemorrhage, fibrin, and edema, and occasionally overlain by a thin pseudomembrane of fibrin with enmeshed cellular and karyorrhectic debris, degenerate neutrophils, and colonies of thin, 0.5um wide, variably elongate, occasionally spiral, basophilic bacteria.  Coagulative necrosis multifocally extends into crypts and is characterized by retention of architecture with loss of differential staining.  Crypts are diffusely elongated up to 2-3 times normal (crypt hyperplasia), are multifocally lined by increased numbers of goblet cells (goblet cells hyperplasia), are multifocally ectatic, containing amphophilic to pale basophilic fibrillar material (mucus), and occasionally also contain neutrophils and necrotic cellular debris (crypt abscess).  There are multiple ectatic, mucus-filled crypts located within a Peyer’s patch (focal crypt herniation).  Small caliber blood vessels within the lamina propria and submucosa multifocally are occluded by fibrillar to hyalinized eosinophilic material (fibrin thrombi).  Blood vessels within the lamina propria, submucosa, and mesentery are congested. 


MORPHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:  Colon:  Colitis, necrohemorrhagic, acute, diffuse, moderate, with crypt hyperplasia, goblet cell hyperplasia, and fibrin thrombi, Yorkshire cross (Sus scrofa domestica), porcine.


ETIOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:  Brachyspiral colitis


CAUSE:  Brachyspira hyodysenteriae


CONDITION:  Swine dysentery


SYNONYMS:  Vibriotic dysentery, bloody scours, bloody dysentery, black scours, mucohemorrhagic diarrhea

















Bloody diarrhea in swine:

and enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes





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  12. Wilberts BL, Arruda PH, Kinyon JM, Madson DM, Frana TS, Burrough ER. Comparison of lesion severity, distribution, and colonic mucin expression in pigs with acute swine dysentery following oral inoculation with “Brachyspira hampsonii” or Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. Vet Pathol. 2014;51(6):1096-1108.
  13. Wilberts BL, Warneke HL, Power LP, Kinyon JM, Burrough ER. Comparison of culture, polymerase chain reaction, and fluorescent in situ hybridization for detection of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and “Brachyspira hampsonii” in pig feces. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2014;27(1):41-46.
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