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Read-Only Case Details Reviewed:

APRIL 2022
M-N07 (NP)

SIGNALMENT (JPC #3102342):  10-year-old male rottweiler, canine (Canis familiaris)


HISTORY:  This dog presented with a 3-month history of painless swelling of the left pelvic limb that was treated empirically with corticosteroids but showed no improvement. The swelling involved the thigh, stifle, and crural region, but it was not associated with lameness and there was no history of trauma.


HISTOPATHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION: Joint capsule with attached muscle and tertiary lymphoid structure:  Arising from the joint capsule, elevating the predominantly intact synovial lining, forming multifocal nodular extensions into the joint space and the adjacent tertiary lymphoid structure, and compressing the multifocally mildly atrophic skeletal muscle is an unencapsulated, paucicellular, multilobulated, well-demarcated, expansile neoplasm composed of poorly defined bundles of spindle to stellate cells that multifocally surround lakes of paucicellular myxomatous matrix and are embedded within an abundant myxomatous matrix.  Neoplastic cells have distinct cell borders, a small amount of occasionally vacuolated eosinophilic cytoplasm, and an irregularly round, occasionally compressed and peripheralized nucleus with finely stippled chromatin and one variably prominent nucleolus. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis are minimal and mitotic figures average 0-1 per 2.37 sq mm.  The synoviocytes lining the articular luminal surface and overlying the neoplasm are multifocally either attenuated or occasionally hyperplastic and hypertrophic, forming multiple layers of plump, cuboidal synoviocytes up to five cells thick.  There are also scattered foamy macrophages throughout the neoplasm and percolating through the tertiary lymphoid structure that, along with the remaining synoviocytes, occasionally contain intracytoplasmic hemosiderin.


MORPHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:  Joint: Synovial myxoma, Rottweiler, canine













Synovial and juxta-articular tumors in the dog:

Non-neoplastic synovial lesions:



Synovial tumors in other species:


Non-synovial myxomas/myxosarcomas:



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