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Read-Only Case Details Reviewed: Jan 2010

D-P16 (NP)


SIGNALMENT (JPC# 1852297):  Adult wild-caught female Cebus monkey (Cebus sp.)


HISTORY:  Incidental necropsy finding with numerous 0.5 to 2.5 cm diameter grayish-tan nodules on the serosal surface of the duodenum and jejunum


HISTOPATHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION:  Small intestine:  Markedly expanding and compressing the tunica muscularis and elevating the overlying serosa or expanding the adjacent mesenteric adipose tissue are multifocal, 4 to 5 mm diameter, well-demarcated granulomas characterized by a discontinuous fibrous capsule surrounding a rim of numerous epithelioid macrophages, eosinophils, degenerate and viable neutrophils, and few lymphocytes and plasma cells, which are centered on and surround multiple cross and tangential sections of adult nematodes and eggs, fibrin, eosinophilic homogenous material, and necrotic debris.  Nematodes are up to 120 um in diameter, have a 5 um thick eosinophilic hyaline cuticle with evenly spaced longitudinal cuticular ridges, a pseudocoelom, platymyarian-meromyarian musculature, a prominent digestive tract lined by few multinucleate cells with a low brush border, and a female or male reproductive tract.  Eggs are 30-50 um in diameter, thin-shelled, and contain morula or larvae.  Lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, and occasionally hemosiderin-laden macrophages extend into the adjacent serosa, submucosa, and into the lamina propria. The tunica muscularis adjacent to the granulomas is often lost and replaced by fibrous connective tissue. The majority of the intestinal mucosa is autolytic, but the lamina propria contains mildly increased numbers of lymphocytes and plasma cells.


MORPHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:  Small intestine, serosa and mesentery:  Granulomas, eosinophilic, chronic, multifocal, moderate, with multiple adult trichostrongyle nematodes and eggs, etiology consistent with Molineus torulosus, Cebus monkey (Cebus sp.), nonhuman primate.


ETIOLOGY:  Molineus torulosus


ETIOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:  Enteric trichostrongyliasis















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